The Truth About Risk
Everything meaningful in life begins with risk.
Climbing a mountain.
Starting a business.
Going on a first date.
Starting over.
All are incredilbly worthwile, and very likely, life-transforming.
Each of these goals also have something elses in common: they all involve some measure of risk. You simply don’t know what will happen.
That’s what’s so energizing about them.
But here’s the really cool thing that completely changed the way I look at risk and uncertainty.
Whether you succeed or not, the ultimate reward of facing and embracing risk is in the journey. It is there we learn more deeply about who we are and what we value.
The ultimate reward of risk is insight.
But it requires that we lean forward into the unknown; to embrace uncertainty.
Getting started is often the hardest step.
What is holding you back?
Where do you need to lean forward and how will you do it?
What’s your plan?
The journey to self-discovery, and ultimately, success, is difficult – yes, risky – but the reward is incredibly worth it.
Go for it! Start today. Your destiny demands it.